logo-fauFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

  • Short name: FAU
  • Country of origin: Germany
  • Principal scientific contact person: Prof. dr. Matthias Berkin

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) was founded in 1743. It is one of Germany‘s largest universities. FAU is a research university with interdisciplinary structures across five faculties. There are currently over 37,800 students (over 3200 of them are international students) in 242 different degree programs at FAU enrolled. FAU has over 13,000 members of staff, 337 chairs and 656 professorships. The faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology hosts the Department of Psychology and Sport Science. Currently, prof. dr. M. Berking is redesigning the chair for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and setting up a new outpatient clinic specialized in treating mental disorders such as depression.


  • Prof. Berking’s work group will contribute to the systematic review in WP1 and will conduct a randomized clinical trial in WP2. Furthermore, they will collaborate in synthesising the research findings in WP5 and dissemination activities in WP6.

Key Personnel Involved

Prof. dr. M. Berking has published over a hundred scientific publications, mostly in highly renowned research journals. Complementing his position at the FAU, he is head of an interdisciplinary team of about 15 experts developing and evaluating internet-based interventions at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. Prof. Berking has extensive experience conducting large clinical trials and supervises many PhD and Master students.
Dr. D.D. Ebert is a postdoc researcher in clinical psychology at the Universities of Marburg and Lüneburg, Germany. His research focuses on the use of the internet for improving access to evidence-based mental health care.