• Short name: INESC TEC (previously INESC Porto)
  • Country of origin: Portugal
  • Principal scientific contact person: dr. Artur Rocha

INESC TEC is an Associate Lab, a private non-profit institution associated with the University of Porto (Faculty of Engineering and Science), INESC and the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. Research is done by 600 researchers (including 200 PhDs). In successive periodic evaluations of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, R&D work at INESC TEC was rated as “Excellent”. Twelve Units are active in research, tech transfer, knowledge valorisation and launching spin-off companies. INESC TEC runs under the paradigm of the knowledge-to-value production chain: knowledge and results generated through basic research are typically injected in technology transfer projects and therefore have added social relevance. INESC TEC has vast experience in research projects both at a national and an international level, and in contracts with industry. Furthermore, INESC TEC has broad experience in developing suitable infrastructures for data collection and running complex algorithms, e.g. in the FP6 projects CAALYX and AAL eCAALYX, the FP7 ICT4Depression, and in developing new methods and techniques in the areas of data mining, artificial intelligence, and statistical data analysis, mainly used for decision support.


  • INESC TEC will participate through the Computer Graphics and Information Systems Unit (USIG) and Laboratory of AI and Decision Support (LIAAD), and with the following topics: development and deployment of the technical infrastructure, data mining algorithms, software application development, and system integration, all within WPs 2 and 4.
  • Furthermore, we collaborate in synthesising the research findings in WP5 and dissemination activities in WP6.

Key Personnel Involved

Dr. A. J. Rocha, PhD (M) has been a researcher at INESC since 1998. He was an associate member of CERN, the European Lab for High Energy Physics, at the IT Division/Web Office (1996-97). Dr. Rocha has participated in several EU projects: GISEDI, MEDSI, CAALYX and ICT4Depression, mostly as a technical coordinator. Dr. Rocha has a vast knowledge in software architecture, system modelling and design, interoperability, and service oriented architectures. 
Dr. J. Correia Lopes (M) has a PhD in computing science from Glasgow University and is assistant professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering at the University of Porto, as well as a researcher at INESC Porto, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in databases, software engineering and Web technologies. Dr. Lopes’s research interests include: structured and semi-structured data management, distributed information systems, service oriented architectures and orthogonal persistent languages. 
Dr. R. Camacho, PhD (M) is Associate Professor at the Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto. He obtained a PhD in electrical engineering and computers at the University of Porto in 2000. He also is a senior researcher at LIAAD, INESC Porto. His research interests include: Inductive Logic Programming and Data Mining (special interest in Multi-Relational Data Mining). Dr. Camacho has extensive experience in the application of Data Mining to Bioinformatics and the Life Sciences, and is an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology.