INESC TEC is an Associate Lab, a private non-profit institution associated with the University of Porto (Faculty of Engineering and Science), INESC and the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. Research is done by 600 researchers (including 200 PhDs). In successive periodic evaluations of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, R&D work at INESC TEC was rated as “Excellent”. Twelve Units are active in research, tech transfer, knowledge valorisation and launching spin-off companies. INESC TEC runs under the paradigm of the knowledge-to-value production chain: knowledge and results generated through basic research are typically injected in technology transfer projects and therefore have added social relevance. INESC TEC has vast experience in research projects both at a national and an international level, and in contracts with industry. Furthermore, INESC TEC has broad experience in developing suitable infrastructures for data collection and running complex algorithms, e.g. in the FP6 projects CAALYX and AAL eCAALYX, the FP7 ICT4Depression, and in developing new methods and techniques in the areas of data mining, artificial intelligence, and statistical data analysis, mainly used for decision support.