
  • Short name: INSERM
  • Country of origin: France
  • Principal scientific contact person: pr. dr. Karine Chevreul

The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) is a public scientific and technological institute which operates under the joint authority of the French Ministry of Health and French Ministry of Research. INSERM is one of the top European institutes for bio-medical research comprised of researchers, engineers, technicians, and administrative personnel.


The French team is WP3 leader. WP3 is responsible for the design of economic modeling using both a Markov and DES model to estimate the cost-effectiveness of implementing internet-based ‘blended’ treatment for depression in comparison to Treatment as Usual (TAU). The French team is responsible for building the Markov model. INSERM is also part of WP2.

  • Work package leader of WP3, economic modelling

Key Personnel Involved

Prof. Karine Chevreul is deputy head of the ECEVE team (INSERM UMR 1123) dedicated to clinical epidemiology and health economics research in vulnerable populations. She is also the scientific director at URC Eco (Parisian Health Economics and Health Services Research Unit) where she coordinates studies on health services research and health policy. She has participated in several other FP7 European projects dedicated to mental health such as the REFINEMENT, DISMEVAL, and ROAMER (WP leader) projects. For the E-Compared study she is the leader for WP3.
Amélie Prigent, PhD, is a research fellow at URC Eco and ECEVE. She studied both statistics and health economics, and her field of interest is health services research applied to mental health.
Morgane Michel is part of both URC Eco and ECEVE. She is a public health doctor with an M.D. from Paris Descartes University and a MSc in Health Economics from the University of York who is currently doing a PhD on deprivation and hospital care efficiency. As part of the E-Compared project, she is working on building the Markov model.
Massinissa Aroun is a statistician at URC Eco. He is currently working on several research projects within the team, including E-Compared. As part of the E-Compared project, he is working on building the Markov model.
Jean-Baptiste Hazo is the French E-Compared trial coordinator. He is a former nurse and has a bachelor in law and a Masters in Public Health from EHESP. He has worked previously on another FP7 project dedicated to mental health: the Roamer project ( for which he was part of WP3. He is also a PhD student and his work focuses on social inequalities linked to mental health care access and use.
Maya Dorsey is a research assistant at URC Eco. She holds a Masters in Public Health from EHESP, and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Within the E-Compared project she is working with WP2 as an assistant trial coordinator and working with WP3 as well.