ULGLeuphana Universität Lünenberg

Leuphana University Lüneburg is a state funded university in the northern part of Germany with around 8000 students and 150 professors. The Department of Information Systems Research at Leuphana University follows two broad research directions: one focuses on software engineering, the other on machine learning, model building, and big data. Within the first area mobile and web as well as ambient-assisted living applications have been developed and studied in several research projects.

There are several ongoing research projects in the area of eMental health and ambient-assisted living, with interdisciplinary cooperation between computer science and psychology. Burkhardt Funk is currently Co-PI of an EU-funded project on the development and exploitation of an eMental health application at the Leuphana, and of a project that develops and evaluates serious gaming aspects for internet-based interventions in eMental health. In the IS department there are strong capabilities and various people who are working on software development and software architecture. In addition, an Ambient Assisted Living Laboratory has been set up.


  • The Leuphana team will develop the technical infrastructure that collects and stores the data from the internet-based interventions for WP2. This infrastructure will also serve as the back-end for building the predictive models using genetic programming techniques in WP4.
  • Furthermore, we partake in synthesising the research findings in WP5 and dissemination activities in WP6.

Key Personnel Involved

Prof. dr. B. Funk, PhD (M) is a professor of Information Systems Research and vice-president of Information Technology at Leuphana University Lüneburg. His research areas encompass web and mobile applications for the eMental health domain (architecture and usability) as well as model building and machine learning in E-Business applications. He is currently co-leading a large EU-funded project that focuses on building and evaluating internet-based and mobile interventions to treat depressive disorders.
Prof. dr. R. Welge, PhD (M) is a professor of Technical Informatics. His research focuses on ambient-assisted living, probabilistic systems, as well as knowledge representation and inference. He has lead several interdisciplinary research projects funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education.