Universitat Jaume I is one out of the four publicly funded universities in the Valencia Community. It offers 26 degrees and has 13,000 students. UJI is a pioneer in the use of ICT and was the first academic institution in Spain to become part of the World Wide Web (WWW) and develop a browser to search the internet. This browser has become one of the most commonly used in Spain. Within UJI, Labpsitec (www.labpsitec.es) is one of the excellence groups with wide expertise in clinical and health psychology. The team is a pioneer worldwide in the use of ICT solutions such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and using the internet for improving health and wellbeing. The team is expert in clinical psychology as well as in ICT and HCI, (clinical and technical specifications, ergonomics, usability evaluations with and without low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototype users, clinical validations, etc.). Labpsitec has been involved in several European projects focused on developing and testing ICT solutions for health: telemedicine and portable virtual environments for clinical psychology (VEPSY-UPDATED) FP5-IST; engaging media for mental health applications (EMMA) FP5; Psychologically Augmented Social Interaction Over Networks – (PASION) FP6-IST; and Online Predictive Tools for Intervention in Mental Illness (OPTIMI) FP7- IST.