WP 2 Comparing the Clinical and Cost-effectiveness of Internet-based Treatment and Treatment as Usual for Depression in Routine Primary and Specialised Health Service Settings
WP leader: Prof. dr. Pim Cuijpers, VUA
Affiliation: Professor of Clinical Psychology and head of the department of Clinical Psychology at the VU-VUmc
The objective of WP 2 is to assess the feasibility and to compare the clinical and cost effectiveness of internet-based ‘blended’ depression treatment for adults with MDD in routine primary and specialised healthcare practices compared with TAU by means of multi-site randomised clinical trials.
[>> link to ‘RCT’]. It is assumed that both forms of treatment will lead to similar clinical improvements in patients (non-inferior), but that the blended form (internet-based combined with face-to-face treatments) can be offered at significantly lower costs.