National Dissemination Activities

CHRecruitment of therapists for the Swiss trialArticle in professional journal ("Psychoscope")Article about online treatments with link to information for interested therapists about ecomparedPsychoscopeT. Krieger & T. Berger
PLto inform general public about E-COMPARED project and to empower patients to have a more proactive role with regard to choice of treatmentradio interviewinformation about E-COMPAREDI Program Polskiego Radia (Polish National Radio Channel 1), radio broadcast - Magazyn Europejski PlusR. Cieslak
CHrecruitment of sponsers for treatment costspresentationinformation about EcomparedZurichT. Berger
CHRecruitment of therapists for the Swiss trialpresentationinformation about EcomparedAarauT. Berger
Dto recruit therapiststalk and discussioninformation about e-compared and discussion of attitudes towards internet-based interventionsoutpatient clinic CIP ErlangenN. Beyer
Dto recruit therapistse-mail, telephone contact and personal meetinginformation about e-compared: especially the study and the interventionoutpatient clinic CIP ErlangenN. Beyer
PLto inform general public about E-COMPARED project and its progressPsychology Plus - one-day event on psychology and technology alongside the ESRII conferenceinformation about E-COMPAREDUniversity of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS)R. Cieslak, K. Żukowska, A. Rogala, E. Smoktunowicz
PLto recruit therapistspersonal meeting with head of the Academic Center for Psychotherapy of SWPSinformation about E-COMPAREDUniversity of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS)R. Cieslak, E. Smoktunowicz, K. Żukowska, A. Rogala
IRExplore potential for future use of blended therapy systems within Irish health systemPresentation, brain storming sessionInformation about Ecompared/ICT4Depression system, determining suitability for piloting in Irish mental health servicesHSE Mid-West regionP. van de Ven, R. Msetfi, J. Forbes, J. Nelson
NLto recruit therapistsPresentation in team meetingInforming about the trial and treatment protocolOutpatient clinic Amstelmere, site of GiGA. van Schaik & L. Kemmeren
NLto recruit patients and therapistsMeetinginformation about the study; letter to inform therapistsOutpatient Clinic Spaarnepoot, site of GiGL. Kemmeren & A. van Schaik
NLto motivate outpatients clinics to participatemeeting with three division managersinformation about ecompatedoupatient clinic Zuiderpoort, site of GiG, HaarlemA. van Schaik
NLExchange experiences in implementing e-health within GiGMeeting with 12informing about e-compared and the intervention usedGiG AmsterdamA. van Schaik & L. Kemmeren
NLto inform and motivate to support e-health treatment and research withing GiGPresentationinforming about ecomparedAmstelmere, site of GiG, AmstelveenA. Van Schaik
NLto inform about the projectshort item about ecompared on internet site of GiGinformation about ecomparedintranet site GiGL. Kemmeren & A. van Schaik
NLnews site about new developments regarding eHealth within GiGinterviewinformation about ecompared and other ehalth research projects within GiGGiG Amsterdamvan Schaik
CHInformation and promoting E-ComparedpresentationGeneral information about Ecompared & Swiss study protocolSanatorium Kilchberg, ZurichT. Berger
CHInformation and promoting E-ComparedpresentationGeneral information about Ecompared & Swiss study protocolOutpatient clinic of the University of Bern, BernT.Berger, T.Krieger, A.Urech
Dto recruit therapistsjob advertisement and job interviewsinformation about Moodbusteroutpatient clinic CIP Erlangen, interviews in the department of clinical psychology FAU Erlangen-N_rnbergN. Beyer
Dto keep in touchE-MailThank you E-Mail for participation in the Stakeholder Survey and information about the newsletterFAU Erlangen-NürnbergN. Beyer
Dto recruit GPscovering letter to about 1000 GPs in the region of Erlangen-N_rnberg-F_rthnformation about E-Compared, the German study, Moodbuster intervention and advantages for GPs when cooparating with usFAU Erlangen-NürnbergI. Titzler
Dto recruit GPstelephone contacts to GPs: either GPs contact us via telephone or we contact them because they indicated so in the response sheet of the covering letterinformation about the study and the intervention MoodbusterFAU Erlangen-NürnbergN. Beyer & I. Titzler
Dto promote E-Comparedoral presentation in our weekly research colloquiuminformation about the project E-Compared and the German studyFAU Erlangen-NürnbergN. Beyer & I. Titzler
Dto promote e-health in general and give insight on E-Comparedseminar for studentshow to create an online-based therapy on depression, student groups designed contents themselvesFAU Erlangen-NürnbergN. Beyer & M. Berking
NLTo inform the field about the project, the trials and treatment protocol2 posters and 1 oral presentationGeneral information about the project, its partners and the study designThe ISRII conference 2014 in ValenciaA. Kleiboer, A. v. Schaik & L. Kemmeren
ESto recruit GPsSeminaryFormation seminary with intormation about the trial and treatment protocol (3 hours)Mental Health ServicesR. Baños, Ch. Botella, A. Garcia-Palacios
ESto recruit GPsSeminaryFormation seminary with intormation about the trial and treatment protocol (3 hours)Mental Health ServicesR. Baños, Ch. Botella, A, Garcia-Palacios
ESto recruit National managers and GPsMeetinginformation about e-compared and development of a plan of actionDirectorate General Mental Health. Government of the Valencian communityR. Baños & Ch. Botella
ESto promote E-Comparednewspapers, University radio, and institutional websitesinformation about e-compared: the study and the interventionUVEG and UJIR. Baños & Ch. Botella
ESto promote E-Comparednewspapers and radiosinformation about e-compared: the study and the interventionDifferent radios stationsR. Baños & Ch. Botella
ESto give insight on E-Comparedoral presentationinformation about the project E-Compared and the Spanish studyNational coordinator meeting in ValenciaR. Baños & Ch. Botella
ESto give insight on E-ComparedMeetinginformation about the project E-Compared and the Spanish studyHealt Community ServicesR. Baños & Ch. Botella
ESto give insight on E-ComparedSeminaryinformation about the project E-Compared and the Spanish studyJaume I University and University of ValenciaR. Baños & Ch. Botella
ESto give inshight on E-comparedInformation brochuresinformation about the project E-Compared and the Spanish studyMadeira (Portugal)R. Baños & Ch. Botella
PLto keep in touche-mailthank you e-mailUniversity of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS)A. Rogala
PLto recruit M.I..N.I. assessorspersonal meeting with M.I.N.I. specialistinformation about E-COMPAREDUniversity of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPSR. Cieslak
PLto recruit therapistspresentationinformation about E-COMPAREDPostgraduate School of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, SopotE. Smoktunowicz
PLto recruit therapistspresentationinformation about E-COMPAREDPostgraduate School of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, WarsawK. Żukowska
PLto recruit therapistspresentationinformation about E-COMPAREDPostgraduate School of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, KatowiceA. Rogala
PLto recruit therapistspresentationinformation about E-COMPAREDPostgraduate School of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, PoznańE. Smoktunowicz
PLto recruit therapists and patientsnewspapers and radio stationsinformation about E-COMPAREDvarious newspapers and radio stationsR. Cieslak
PLto recruit therapists and patientsnewspapers and radio stationsinformation about E-COMPAREDvarious newspapers and radio stationsR. Cieslak